It doesn't look like the event is for humans with two eyes... (What an awful setting to take a photo... Drab brick wall painted with a rainbow...)
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
The most hideous mascots of all time...mutant mascots...
Cyclops with beer gut and crab pincers.
Looks like something from doctor who, or is it tele tubbies?
How quickly you forget the mascot for the Atlanta games...
Rothschild Zionist One-Eye written all over this.
That is the whole point. It is Illuminati and Freemason symbolism written all over.
Only those familiar with David Icke, or Freemason lodges would understand.
And the `2012`
is ZION on its side.
These satanic pieces of garbage think we are too stupid not to decipher their `hidden` messages. We are all not asleep, thank God!
"Inspector General Faults EPA Radiation Monitoring"
At least the mascots have more eye(1) than the current Gulf shrimp(0).
Rainbow mutant teletubby mascots for the gold !!
Zionist games coming in July, Rothschild runs the show in the UK.... David Icke is on the ball and explains it well..
David Icke, yes, but Rick Clay, too. He talks about number eleven and London olympic games. Many videos.
Sorry, forgotten the link :
Maybe this guy can cheer them all up.
it's just an expression of english bad taste ... It was already visible 4 years ago, during the closing ceremony of the Beijing Games ... but while there, it breaks records ...
One eyed mascots and pyramid lightings.
I heard somewhere that exskf is a lady, is it true laprimavera? I thought you were a dood..
How odd the Greek celebration of the beauty and strength of the human form now celebrates mutation. Part of the acceptance of humanity being mutilated by war, poverty and radiation. The New World Order must be so proud of its achievements.
The Olympics are a major joke, used by the 'powers that be' to control the masses. They contribute nothing to the betterment of the human condition. They are all about competition and the promotion of 'physical' excellence, without saying much about what is on the inside, such as human character, which is what really counts.
The same goes for all professional sports that is promoted all around the world. Just more 'bread and circuses' to keep the masses occupied and distracted.
to the poster above, spot on couldnt have put it better myself...bread and circuses focusing purely on the ego while the Zionists take more and more control..
mutant mascots for #NUCLEAR #OLYMPICS - 80% of electricity from #nukes! < #OcNukeDaily #nonukes #antinuclear
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