I looked but couldn't find the equivalent Japanese article.
Foreigners are buying land in Japan, particularly in Hokkaido. Buyers are from Hong Kong and Singapore, according to a survey done by Yomiuri Shinbun. But the paper notes that there are more deals that remain disguised, as many buyers use Japanese front companies for the transaction to hide their identities.
At least one Chinese buyer quoted in the article says he bought the land for speculation, because he thought the real estate market in Japan had bottomed. Well...
From Yomiuri Shinbun English (4/28/2012):
Foreign buyers snap up land / Survey shows many people use Japanese names to hide acquisitions
At least 1,100 hectares of mountain forest and other land have been
acquired by foreigners, with Hokkaido providing the lion's share,
according to a Yomiuri Shimbun survey.
The survey discovered 63 land transactions involving foreign
purchasers, but Japanese names were apparently used to disguise many of
the deals, a subterfuge not recognized by local governments.
This indicates the number of deals in which Japanese land and
forests are falling into foreign hands may be much larger than those
found in the survey.
The survey, conducted from the end of March through earlier this
month and covering all 47 prefectures, asked prefectural governments
about the number of land acquisitions by foreigners and the size of the
land acquired.
Under the National Land Use Planning Law, those who acquire more
than one hectare of land are required to notify the prefecture
According to the survey, foreigners bought 57 pieces of land
totaling 1,039 hectares in Hokkaido, accounting for 94 percent of land
acquired by foreign capital nationwide.
Of the purchased land, about 70 percent was obtained by corporate
bodies or individuals in Hong Kong, Australia and other places in Asia
and Oceania. Corporate bodies in British Virgin Islands, known as a tax
haven, were involved in 11 land transactions.
Regarding such deals, some people believe water resources are being
targeted by foreign buyers. In response, Hokkaido and Saitama Prefecture
introduced ordinances in March to require prior notification whenever
someone tries to purchase a designated reservoir area. Fukui, Gunma,
Nagano and Yamagata prefectures are considering similar ordinances.
In one example in which a Japanese name was used to disguise a land
transaction, a Chinese in his 40s living in Sapporo bought 14 hectares
of mountain forest and other lands near the Niseko area in Hokkaido last
autumn. For this transaction, he used the name of a Japanese real
estate company.
During an interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun, the man said he was
afraid of provoking a backlash from the Japanese if he bought the land
under his name. He also said he hoped to resell the land for a profit as
he thought Japanese land prices had bottomed out.
A real estate agency in the Kanto region that was involved in the
sale of a mountain forest to a foreign customer said: "Even though
foreigners don't aim to obtain water resources, their acquisitions could
cause consternation. They feel safe if their deals are registered under
a Japanese name."
Regarding mountain forests acquired by foreign buyers, the central
government said in May last year that 40 such transactions have been
carried out in the five years up to 2010, with land acquired totaling
620 hectares.
"It's necessary to establish an ordinance on land transactions at a
local level so that local governments are fully aware of the owners of
land and water sources," said Makoto Ebina, a professor at Otaru
University of Commerce who participated in a discussion on the ordinance
in Hokkaido.
"However, as many land transactions are unclear because names are
borrowed, it's important to carefully check out each transaction," Ebina
ArmstrongEconomics.com, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
And Japan should be buying land in New Zealand and Australia....
Thanks for sharing informative post. Mortgage Leads
And how much land is acquired by Japanese capital outside of Japan ?
This should keep the right wing in Japan happy, another axe to grind whilst driving thru Shibuya in their black trucks on the weekends spewing their racist diatribes...
It sounds like standard japanese/korean style brainwash/propaganda.
It works with the fear some day the 'bad foreigner' will take over japan with the conclusion that the japanese must do everything told from whoever have a specific interest to prevent this.
If it's a brainwash Yomiuri is so late in the game. I was surprised to see this article at all in Yomiuri (even if it's only in English edition). The story's been around for several years.
Chinese tourism and real estate purchases have exploded since around 2008, due mainly to the popularity of a Chinese romantic comedy that was filmed on Hokkaido.
A residential area on the outskirts of my city has a whole block of fairly pricey houses built by a Japanese company, specifically targeted toward wealthy Chinese. I'm not sure if people actually live there, or if they only summer there, or if they come to ski in the winter, or if these homes are nothing more than status symbols, but the plan is to eventually build up to a thousand such houses in this city alone.
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