Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Gets Nobel Peace Prize

Deeply humbled, says the president.


His nomination came on the 12th day of his office, on February 1, which is the deadline set by the 1-man, 4-women Nobel Committee.

Who nominated the president before his work hardly started? (Or did someone nominate him for his work as a community organizer in Chicago?)

According to the Committee's website, you can nominate a person for consideration if you fall into any of these categories:

  1. Members of national assemblies and governments, and members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
  2. Members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague and of the International Court of Justice at the Hague
  3. Members of Institut de Droit International
  4. University professors of history, political science, philosophy, law and theology, and university presidents and directors of peace research institutes and institutes of international affairs
  5. Former Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and board members of institutions that have previously been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
  6. Present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee
  7. Former permanent advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Institute
I know from several past Nobel Prize winners' remarks that winning the Prize involves intense lobbying, sometimes over several years if not longer.


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