is to practice self preventive care to stay healthy, and never have to go to the doctors.
In an article written exclusively for, Bill Sardi shares his natural medicine chest.
How To Prepare For Obamacare: Create Your Own Natural Medicine Chest (Bill Sardi, 4/1/2010
"This article provides a list of proven home remedies and self-help strategies that readers can begin utilizing today to maintain health while avoiding costly medical care.
"While I have written articles in the past at LR that have addressed heart disease, cancer and other maladies, I hadn’t yet addressed every-day and emergent health problems that cause Americans to run to the doctor.
"Americans can begin to stock their home medicine chest with items that will avert or forestall a visit to the doctor. Many of the most common reasons to visit a doctor, stomach pains, chest pains, fever, cough, headaches, sore throats, infections, toothaches, back aches, can be handled with low-cost remedies at home." [The article continues.]
Here's part of his natural medicine chest. For more details, please visit the link above.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
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