The good doctor said NO to giving subpoena power to the presidential oil spill commission, created by Obama's executive order and devoid of experts who actually know something about petroleum engineering, exploration, or drilling to figure out what caused the rig explosion and destruction, and resulting oil spill. (For more on this strange commission, read "Obama's Gulf Oil Spill Commission and the Missing Experts" at American Thinker.)
Like old times, Ron Paul was the only one who voted no. No to further expanding the executive power of the government, particularly when that power is created by the presidential fiat without Congressional oversight.
Rep. Paul Casts Sole ‘No’ Vote on Oil Spill Subpoena Power
(Tennille Tracy and Siobhan Hughes, 6/23/2010 Wall Street Journal)
It is an ultra-short article, and 2/3 of the article is about his son (Rand Paul, who won the GOP primary for Senate seat in Kentucky)'s alleged remark on BP and oil spill. Wall Street Journal is simply doing what all the major news outlets have been doing ever since the Kentucky primary - trying to smear Ron Paul via his son.
And it took two people to write it.
The comment section of the article is more interesting, written by people much more informed than the Wall Street Journal writers.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
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