Is it any wonder that anti-American sentiment is all-time high in Pakistan?'s Jason Ditz reported on October 14, 2010 [emphasis is mine.]:
"Following up on last month’s demands that Pakistan agree to yet another massive tax increase on “wealthy landowners,” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stepped the issue up even more, threatening to withdraw all humanitarian aid from the nation unless they comply.
"Today it was even worse, as Clinton pressured the European Union to do the same. Between them, the US and EU have contributed more than half of the $1.5 billion in humanitarian aid for this year’s disastrous floods.
"“It is unacceptable,” according to Secretary Clinton, “for those with means in Pakistan not to be doing their fair share to help their own people.” While rich Pakistanis have contributed to relief efforts, they have balked at donating to the official government aid program, citing corruption.
"The floods killed thousands and left roughly a fifth of the nation under water, doing major damage to Pakistan at a time when a decade of US-led war along its border had already brought it to the brink of collapse. One would think this would be a poor time to raise taxes, but the Obama Administration has repeatedly demanded Pakistan do so, and despite Pakistan already issuing a number of tax increases over the past year, it seems it isn’t enough."
The world has been eerily silent on the floods in Pakistan, which by the way are still ongoing, as millions remain homeless and millions in dire needs of basic necessities to survive. And Clinton and her boss want to force Pakistan to raise taxes while US killer drones continue to bomb innocent civilians.
Makes sense, doesn't it? In this bizzarro world?
I wonder if Clinton and Obama demanded the same to Haiti for the earthquake relief... Did Bush demand New Orleans to raise taxes in exchange for a federal aid?
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
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