Anyone know? Why now?
(And why is Hillary Clinton out of the US for so long?)
Here's his trip in numbers... (Over the top is an understatement.)
- 3,000 personnel to accompany him, with 3,000 already in India (total 6,000);
- Included in that 3,000 who will accompany him, 200 of his court attendants aka personal staff, and 150 journalists;
- 250 CEOs of top US companies (so that they can outsource more to India, probably);
- He will fly in with 3 jumbo jets, and 2 jumbo jets already flown in with equipments;
- 40 aircraft will follow him around;
- 34 warships including an aircraft-carrier patrol the coast (the Pentagon denies this, to be fair);
- Hotel rooms booked: 570 at Taj Mahal, 125 at Taj President, 90 at Grand Hyatt and the Oberoi (total 785 rooms, which exclude banquet rooms which were also booked);
- 45-car presidential convoy;
- 300 local Indian policemen assigned to the hotel (Taj Mahal), prohibited from ever leaving the premise until Obama is gone (these unlucky cops were selected on their English language skills); that's on top of 300 US security personnel at the hotel;
- $200 million a day (in India, could be way higher in Korea and Japan).
Why India bothered to invite him (or accept to receive him) is a mystery to me. I guess they had no choice. The king's wish is their command. All they can do is to grumble and snicker at Obama anonymously.
The 10-day trip could cost $2 billion, if not more. This person says it is more than the inflation-adjusted cost of the 1969 Apollo 11 mission, which comes at $1.8 billion. has links and summaries on what's been reported about this strange trip. The image below is also from their site. (The original portrait was, of course, that of le Roi Soleil, Louis the Fourteenth of France.)

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