The anti-government demonstration is set to resume with renewed vigor on Friday.
From Al Jazeera Live Blog:
8:59am: Mohammed al-Beltagi, a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood, tells Al Jazeera that his movement has no ambitions to run for the Egyptian presidency.
8:29am: Our correspondent writes on Twitter: "by 7am friday: chants of 'get out' 'invalid' 'leave' resonating louder than ever this time of day"
8:21am: Salma El Tarzi, a protester in Tahrir Square, tells Al Jazeera over the phone that the moral in the square is high and the atmosphere cheerful, "like a festival", with thousands of people arriving.
8:01am: The curfew has now been lifted and protests are due to start at noon, after Friday prayers.
And earlier:
2:08am Anti-Mubarak activist Mona Souief tells Al Jazeera that people feel that they are "past the worst." and that if protesters could make it past the violence of the past 24 hours, than they could persevere.
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