From Al Jazeera Libya Live Blog for 2/23/2011:
"UN head, Ban Ki-Moon, makes a statement on Libya, saying the international community needs to speak with one voice"
[Hmmm, the community, sans so-called "leaders", has been speaking pretty much with "one voice" (=down with Gaddafi) for quite some time now...]
"[The same UN leader] welcomed moves by the UN Human Rights Council to set up a "possible international inquiry into events in Libya.""
[Possible? Inquiry? No kidding..]
Antonio Patriota, Brazil's foreign minister, expressed great concern about the situation in Libya, but added that it was "a positive thing" that there has not yet been any violence directed at foreigners in the country.
[Positive? No kiddin'...]
""We have joined with the international community to speak with one voice," Hillary Clinton said"
[Wait, UN Sec General said we're yet to speak with one voice. You got the wording right, Hillary, but wrong tense; you should have said "we may be joining ..... anywhere from a few days to a few months from now....or maybe a few years from now..."]
"PJ Crowley, the US state department spokesperson, says the country is looking at using "a full range of tools," including possible sanctions"
[Sanctions? No kiddin', PJ...]
"Libya's deputy foreign minister, Khaled Khaim, told EU ambassadors in Tripoli that Al-Qaeda had set up an Islamic emirate in Derna, led by a former US prisoner at Guantanamo Bay named Abdelkarim al-Hasadi."
[Al-Quaeda did it! Now they're talking like a true ally of the US.]
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
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