Sankei Shinbun (12:07PM JST 4/11/2011) reports:
Iitate Village disclosed on April 11 that the national government ordered the village to systematically evacuate the villagers in anticipation for the expansion of the evacuation zone. Iitate Village in Fukushima Prefecture has had high radiation levels ever since the TEPCO's Fukushima I Nuclear Plant accident.
The village chief [actually he is the vice chief], Shinichi Monma said in the village council's special committee for disaster measures, "All villagers will be evacuated. The national government has told us to evacuate within a month."
Iitate Village's population is about 6,500. Already, about 1,000 villagers have evacuated voluntarily (i.e. without government order).
No information on how long the evacuation lasts, or where they are supposed to go. To the villagers, it may mean the end of their community that has lasted more than several hundred years if not a thousand or more.
A picture of Iitate Village from their website:

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