Some funny numbers for the Reactor 4's nuclide analysis at the silt fence at the water intake.
TEPCO's press release on May 28 on the samples taken on May 27 shows the water OUTSIDE the silt fence for the Reactor 4 water intake had a much higher radioactive material concentration than the water inside the silt fence.
This wasn't the case at all on May 25 samples whose level of radioactive materials was higher INSIDE the silt fence, as you would expect. Hmmm. The silt fence for the Reactor 4 water intake is not working? But why would the outside be more radioactive than the inside?
Top, May 25 sample data; bottom, May 27 sample data, from TEPCO press releases; iodine-131, cesium 134, cesium-137:
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Robbie001 sez:
The first thing that comes to mind is contaminated water has started to bypass the intake slit fence. The waste water containment facility does have a leak and it is on the Unit # 4 side of the facility maybe some of this water is finding it’s way to the sea outside the fence.
You're right. The numbers are even higher for cesium in the latest data. I've sent a tweet to a journalist who goes to TEPCO's presser every day and asked if he can ask TEPCO. Hope he sees the tweet.
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