Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Foodstuffs from Tohoku Are Just Wonderful", Presidential (France) and Royal (Monaco) Chefs Exclaim

From Jiji Tsushin (2/19/2013)


Foodstuffs from Tohoku are wonderful, head chefs at the Élysée Palace and at the Palace of Monaco say


Bernard Vaussion, Head Chef of the Elysee Palace in France, and Christian Garcia, Chef of the Prince of Monaco, held a press conference at Japan Press Club in Tokyo after having visited the disaster-affected areas in Tohoku. Mr. Garcia said, "Foodstuffs from Tohoku are extremely wonderful. I will do whatever I can do but I would like people in Japan to do their best to support."


Mr. Vaussion visited Aizuwakamatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture from February 14 to 16, while Mr. Garcia visited Kesennuma City in Miyagi Prefecture during the same period. Of people in the disaster-affected areas, Mr. Garcia said, "I was very moved that people were determined to make a fresh start."

The two chefs were invited by Palace Hotel Tokyo as part of Japan's on-going effort to assist the recovery of Tohoku from the March 11, 2011 disaster (yes, the same old, the same old). They served up their dishes at a gala dinner event on February 19 at Palace Hotel Tokyo in Marunouchi, according to the web magazine Openers.

(Christian Garcia, left, Bernard Vaussion, from Openers magazine)

According to the Palace Hotel Tokyo flier, the dinner was 40,000 yen per person (US$428; 321 euro), and the event was organized by NHK Enterprises. The trip to Tohoku was for the chefs to source foodstuffs to use in the gala dinner.

There is no indication in the article that the chefs were made aware of the radiation contamination in Tohoku, particularly in Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate. Whether that would have mattered or not, I do not know.

By the way, the EU has lifted the ban on Japanese beef. Yomiuri article (2/8/2013) says Japan has been demanding the EU lift the ban since 2005. Nice timing, EU.


JAnonymous said...

Wow, that made me laugh, how that chef says that the food is wonderful and please, people from Japan, eat it. As in : not me.

Tokyo palace hotel has been recently demolished and rebuilt. Whenever I look at it, I can't help thinking about akiba's yodobashi camera building...

Japanese beef ban lift is just an 'eye for an eye' kind of decision, since Japan lifted the ban on french beef recently.

Now, you can finally choose your fate :
- EU beef, featuring horse
- Japanese beef might have cesium and friends
- US beef might have steroids, growth hormons, and be GMO fed

Chicken ? Let's all go watch Futurama's Iron Chef, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_30%25_Iron_Chef
"If it's turkey: fish a la king"

arevamirpal::laprimavera said...

JA, did you see that horse meat may have been donkey meat instead? One of my Japanese twitter followers says donkey meat is really tasty. He says he had it in western China.

Anonymous said...

"Bribes from Tohoku are Just Wonderful", Presidential (France) and Royal (Monaco) Chefs Exclaim


Anonymous said...

Glad they enjoy Tohoku food. I hope these chefs and their wealthy high-end customers consume as much Tohoku food as they can, on behalf of the Japanese children. They might even enjoy bleeding from behind in the near future.

Obviously these chefs have no basic understanding of food safety science. So much for the quality of high end restaurants.

They remind me of two things:
1. Ignorance is bliss.
2. Darwinism survival of the fittest (smartest) at work now

Anonymous said...

From France Info ( national radio ) :
Bernard Vaussion a une lourde responsabilité. Le destin du monde pèserait presque sur ses épaules. Car il est le chef des cuisines de l'Elysée. Et comme ses confrères venus du monde entier et reçus hier par François Hollande, il sait à quel point son métier est très utile et déterminant pour de "bonnes relations internationales" comme le président l'a précisé.

Bernard Vaussion has a heavy responsibility. The fate of the world weighs almost on his shoulders. For he is the chef of the Palais de l'Elysée. And like his colleagues from around the world and received yesterday by François Hollande, he knows how his work is very useful for determining "good international relations" as the president said.


Otherwise the Principauté de Monaco is a historical abnormality, very corrupt, the actual Prince is fond of.. organic food.

Sure Tohoku products are good, if you eat them once in a year...

Anonymous said...

@ admin
butchers specialized in horse meat used to sell sausages of donkey meat, here in France.

Anonymous said...

"Foodstuffs from Tohoku are extremely wonderful''

And real estate is even better.

If the dumbass rich can fork out 40,000 Yen for beq infested truffles, I say 'let them eat cake'

They can also hoover up some contaminated land , too-not that they'll ever live there, bien sur!

Re Horse meat...it is delicious! What's the problem? Good salami is donkey. So what? If you think everything is what it says on the label, then heaven help you.

kintaman said...

Christian Garcia and Bernard Vaussion will of course take their families to live in Tohoku and on a daily basis consume the "wonderful" food from the area right? Yeah.....

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