Fidel Castro addressed the Cuban National Assembly for the first time since taking ill four years ago, and warned of an imminent nuclear war that will kill millions, and said the world needs to pressure Obama to avert the disaster.
Yes, he said the similar thing in June, too. But the reaction to his address?
"That's just for domestic Cuban politics." Or "He loves TV."
I sure hope so.
Fidel Castro Goes Live With Warning of Nuclear Holocaust
(Marc Frank, 8/7/2010 ABC News)
"Former Cuban President Fidel Castro warned today of imminent nuclear war and said the world's fate was in President Barack Obama's hands, as he addressed the Cuban National Assembly for the first time since taking ill four years ago.
"Castro said the most recent U.N. sanctions on Iran will trigger a nuclear holocaust if the United States inspects the country's ships come September, as called for in the June resolution.
"Only world pressure on Obama can avert the conflagration that will bring all major economies to a standstill, he said.
""In this critical situation President Barack Obama is the one who will have to give the order for this so-often announced and proclaimed attack," Castro said, calling on world leaders to weigh in with the U.S. president before it's too late.
"... Does anyone believe the powerful empire will back away from the sanctions' demand that Iranian merchant vessels be inspected?" Castro asked on Saturday.
""Does anyone think the Iranians, a people with a culture of thousands of years and which is much more intertwined with death than ours, will lack the courage we have shown in resisting the demands of the United States?" he continued, predicting Iran would respond to inspections by sinking the U.S. fleet and events would then quickly spiral out of control.
"The June sanctions call for Iranian ships to be searched if the country does not comply in 90 days with world demands it come clean concerning its nuclear activities.
""I doubt Fidel believes what he is saying. He is being dramatic, trying to stay relevant," a European diplomat quipped.
""The question we all have is what this means in terms of Cuba's domestic politics," he added." [The article continues.]
Fidel Castro is not alone in warning Obama. The Steering Group of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) sent a memorandum to Obama warning that Israel may bomb Iran as early as this month. (More on that and Israel's sovereign capture and arbitrage strategy, read my August 4 post.)
The video below is an interview of former US army colonel Ann Wright with Russia Today:
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
excellent work obvious provocative move by us and the israelis.....WE are the evil empire being wagged by the tail
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