TEPCO, after one month of careful analysis and coloring, released the following one-page summaries of tsunami damages at each plant (in Japanese only, for now). Their Japanese press release is here:
Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant
Fukushima II Nuclear Power Plant
"O.P" designation in both refers to "Onahama Peil" (local datum), which is "0.727 meter (2.39 feet) lower" than Tokyo Peil (T.P.), which is "Tokyo Bay mean sea level".
ArmstrongEconomics.com, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Do you plan to translate these for your english readership ?
More on possible decontamination/protection methods:
(If anybody knows how to spread this info as widely as possible, including but not limited to Japan, please let me know.)
@fredw, I'll do my best to try to find time - I'm in the middle of moving..
@george, thanks for the info. I will compile all the links regarding nuclear decon and post on my Japanese blog, and send to researchers and journalists whom I know to be open to ideas other than the officialdom.
Internal NRC Documents Reveal Doubts About Measures to Ensure U.S. Plants Survive Fukushima-Type Events. According to internal NRC documents (links provided below) released today 4/6/11 by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), there is no consensus within the NRC that U.S. plants are sufficiently protected. The documents indicate that technical staff members doubt the effectiveness of key safety measures adopted after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
UCS obtained the documents on March 25 from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request it made a month before the Japanese disaster.
FDA’s Comparison of Radiation in Milk to Everyday Exposures Called ‘Improper’:
This statement was called improper by experts at Beyond Nuclear, Food and Water Watch, Friends of the Earth, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, and Physicians for Social Responsibility, as well as by Robert Alvarez, former Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration.
Robert Alvarez, former Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration, said:
“No matter how small the dose might be, it is out of context to compare an exposure to a specific radioisotope that is released by a major nuclear accident with radiation exposures in everyday life. The FDA spokesperson should have informed the public that radioiodine provides a unique form of exposure in that it concentrates rapidly in dairy products and in the human thyroid. The dose received, based on official measurements, may be quite small, and pose an equally small risk. However, making a conclusion on the basis of one measurement is fragmentary at best and unscientific at worst. As the accident in Fukushima continues to unfold, the public should be provided with all measurements made of radioactive fallout from the Fukushima reactors to allow for independent analysis.”
Short letter from Dr. Rosalie Bertell on Japan disaster. Dr. Bertell is founder of International Institute of Concern for Public Health and author of No Immediate Danger?: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth and the Handbook For Estimating Health Effects From Exposure To Ionizing Radiation.
"If there is radioactive iodine in milk then there probably also is cobalt 60, a very dangerous gamma radiation emitter. The inorganic cobalt is incorporated into organic vitamin B 12 in the udder of the cow and becomes much more dangerous especially to the liver when ingested in milk. Avoid fresh milk for the children."
Google search term "treating radioactivity" produces more dietary info:
2673 articles using the same search term on the
American Chemical Society's site -
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