Radioactive iodine is also 100 times the normal level.
Kyodo News Japanese (5/3/2011):
TEPCO's press release says it is still analyzing for other nuclides. Hopefully they are looking for strontium, plutonium, uranium, and a host of other nuclides we've become familiar with in the past month and a half. Don't hold your breath that the result will be announced anytime soon, though. TEPCO is disorganized, and the government wants to censor.福島第1原発事故で東京電力は3日、原発近郊の深さ20~30メートルの海底の土から、通常の100~千倍の濃 度の放射性物質を検出したと発表した。東電が海底の土を分析したのは事故後初めてで「高い濃度だ。環境への影響は、魚介類を採取して分析、評価したい」と している。
TEPCO announced on May 3 that the radioactive materials were found in high concentration from the ocean soil [on the ocean floor] at 20 to 30 meters deep near Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant. The concentration was 100 to 1000 times the normal level. It was the first time since the accident that TEPCO collected the soil samples from the ocean floor. TEPCO said the numbers were high, and it would conduct further environmental impact analysis by catching fish [and other seafood] and test them.
土を採取したのは、第1原発の北約15キロの福島県南相馬市と、南約20キロの同県楢葉町の沖合3キロで、4月 29日に実施。放射性ヨウ素が1キログラム当たり98~190ベクレル、セシウムは1キログラム当たり1200~1400ベクレルだった。通常はいずれも 1キログラム当たり数ベクレルか、検出限界以下。
The locations where the ocean soil was taken are 3 kilometers off the coast of Minami-Soma City, 15 kilometers north of Fukushima I Nuke Plant, and Naraha-machi, 20 kilometers south of the Plant. The sample collection was done on April 29. Radioactive iodine was 98 to 190 becquerels/kilogram, and radioactive cesium was 1200 to 1400 becquerels/kilogram. Normally, they are detected at only a few becquerels/kilogram or ND (below detectable level).
TEPCO thinks the radioactive materials fell from the air into the ocean, or they settled on the ocean floor after they were released in the contaminated water from the Plant. TEPCO will monitor to see if the levels go up.
Ministry of Education and Science announced its sampling data of the ocean soil taken on April 29 at 117 meter deep, 10 kilometers off the coast of a location 50 kilometers south of Fukushima I Nuke Plant; no radioactive materials were detected, according to the Ministry.
Here's the actual numbers from TEPCO's press release on May 3:
Location 1 (3 km off the coast of Odaka Ward, Minami-Soma)
Iodine-131 (half life 8 days): 190 becquerels/kilogram
Cesium-134 (half life 2 years): 1,300 becquerels/kilogram
Cesium-137 (half life 30 years): 1,400 becquerels/kilogram
Location 2 (3 km off the coast of Iwasawa Beach, Naraha-machi)
Iodine-131 (half life 8 days): 98 becquerels/kilogram
Cesium-134 (half life 2 years): 1,200 becquerels/kilogram
Cesium-137 (half life 30 years): 1,200 becquerels/kilogram
Robbie001 sez:
I also imagine the local foliage is starting to concentrate the contamination near the power plant. This happened after Chernobyl a lot of local trees and shrubs were dug up and buried along with the entire "red forest" because of bio-accumulation and surface absorption. Like I said in an eariler post rain-out is going to concentrate radiation in places that may not be obvious. It is also going to wash concentrations of contamination into water pathway sediments which will eventually find their way to the sea. If the local water table is badly contaminated this will only add to the problem. I'm sure there are places in the sewer system that have accumulated "hot" sludge. When the sanitation authority flushes out the sewers for periodic maintenance it will discharge a new plume of Cs-137. This will go on for years if not decades at varying intensities depending on how much more leaks and for how long. Sewer workers are going to need to be careful removing all the solid trash from the sewer junction boxes and collection traps this stuff is probably a little hotter than normal since it has been filtering hot runoff for weeks.
You know what else about the water that's bad? The drinking water for most of Kanto and many places in Tohoku is the surface water. They take the water from big rivers, purify it, and distribute it.
Sure they say it's safe, their new and relaxed standard is 300 times that of WHO (1 becquerel/1 liter), 600 times that of Germany, and 1000 times that of the US.
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