Declares CNN, NBC.
Four more years with Ben Bernanke the Money Printer is also assured. Good luck with that, too.
Quick check on the Japanese reaction is very favorable, not at all surprising from a country with 86% support for Obama. Many on Twitter says Obama is better for Japan.
But as I said before, these people are in a fairyland where the US will press TPP, GMO, Ospray, military bases, more US Treasury purchase on Japan and somehow the president of the US is not involved in any of these. Not to mention it is the land where radioactive materials are safe as long as the government says so.
Also, as a country who has been still attempting to resurrect the moribund economy for over 20 years using the Keynesian method of the government-led "stimulus" and has so far miserably failed, they wish for the handy defeat of the Republicans in the 2014 election so that the US money printing and government-led "stimulus" under Ben and Obama will continue.
It's amusing to read Nikkei, who seems to think there is a vast majority of middle class Americans (i.e. working for GM and Chrysler in Ohio) who ardently supported Obama for the economic recovery. Sure. Middle class.
And the Japanese are happy to see "Sesame Street" continues.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Around the world so much has been on hold pending this news, the fact that it's over will trigger a lot of activity - economic and otherwise.
Unfortunately the otherwise could include unwelcomed action by Israel, China, North Korea, Iran, et al.
2012 is not over yet....
What a ghastly, nay sickening, prospect. Four more years of sanctimonious hypocrisy from the Obamabot liberals who will continue to acquiescence to deepening corporate rule and dollarcracy, criminal wars, and the tearing up of constitutional rights (cf NDAA and the disposition matrix) by this imperial presidency.
The country won't survive 4 more years of this s**t.
Well, what was the alternative? I think many people feel Obama is the lesser of two evils.
Republicans are still paying for the sins of the Bushes. They should count themselves fortunate that there is a two-term limit for Presidents.
I just can't stand the negativity of this guy with eyes like dead fish and the wife who looks always angry. 4 more years of them. Ugghhh.
"Well, what was the alternative? I think many people feel Obama is the lesser of two evils."
This is the stock excuse for liberal collusion with whichever criminal is in power -- especially if it is one they regard one of their own.
Liberals, cowardly, spineless and dishonest creatures that they are, can't conceive of what life might be like outside the two-party dollarcracy plantation. The more life in the plantation deteriorates, the the more does the thought of leaving the plantation frighten them. Every two years therefore, they come up with increasingly threadbare and tattered excuses to leaving it.
I'm seriously thinking of relocating to where there are jobs and people look forward to future and not relying on the socialist government handout. Anywhere left in the world?
I guess not on this world any more...
"Lesser of two evils" is hardly a valid justification. I heard the same thing for the 2008 campaign. Yeah, just keep looking at that bright side, everybody.
And I seriously doubt anything would have improved if Romney had been... "elected". The many problems with the world go a LOT deeper than whoever the hell is "President of the United States".
I do think it makes a difference who is at the top. With Obama at the top, he will force you to follow the government orders, his orders. He won't let the rest of us solve the country's problems.
With Romney, we might have had that chance, to do it ourselves instead of this pest and parasite does it for us.
Nightmare never ends. It started for me when George Bush became the president.
Four more years under the control of EVIL.
"I just can't stand the negativity of this guy with eyes like dead fish and the wife who looks always angry. 4 more years of them. Ugghhh. "
Surely you mean Mr & Mrs Romney.
Glad it's Obama as moving over to Romney would have meant more of the Bush cartel. Yeah, I KNOW Obama isn't what we were hoping and need but admit it: there really is a huge difference between these two. R can return to outsourcing jobs to China. O can dig in for what he can accomplish in face of Republicans who would rather sell this country to hell just to oppose Obama rather than deal with the huge problems America has.
If I was Republican, I would promptly vote out ALL the Republicans and a few Democrats who took this outrageously irresponsible stance in Congress.
Dood above posting, you need to wake up man ...check out George Carlin here he explains it a bit better ...
Darth 3/11, stop reading what you've been reading. Whatever it is, it is equivalent of the Jp government announcement by Goshi Hosono.
4 more years where science can gradually make a comeback in an country where people leave in denial of scientific facts. 4 more years where rich will not be able to avoid paying there taxes as they would with a Rebublican party leading. 4 more years where a governement cares more about its people than about the corporations corupting it. 4 more years of democratie and intelligence over endless spendings in militarization. 4 more years where the earth can expect more hopes rather than the ruthless misery and never ending graudal expension of environment destructions profiting disguting corporations and corupted individuals.
4 more years of democratie, yes, some people understand, more than half, I am so happy they do.
Time to celebrate Four More Years of drone wars, assaults on civil liberties and whistle blowers, coddling corporate rule, etc.
anon at 1:34, you are delusional, and what you say doesn't fit the real world. Oh I see, you must be Japanese.
"...Four More Years of drone wars, assaults on civil liberties and whistle blowers, coddling corporate rule, etc..."
Republican or Democrate, either way, this would still be. So unless you have the courage to explain, your post has no understandable value.
"...With Obama at the top, he will force you to follow the government orders, his orders. He won't let the rest of us solve the country's problems..."
without government, it is everyone for himself, anarchy and all the dangers that comes with it.
Obama has the merit to put order to anarchy. The Republican rules are ruthless exploitations without reasons, abuse of rules for the richs only, chaos led by a few and for the benefits of a few, at the expense and the exclusion of the lesser richs. If reason means something to you, than the Democrat is a better choice than the republican.
Reason and democrats? Oxymoron.
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