(8/21/2013 New post with two potentially big problems, uploaded.)
As the world's mainstream media and alternative media suddenly rediscover Fukushima I Nuke Plant over the "assumption" by a career bureaucrat at Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (whose Agency of Natural Resources and Energy oversees the decommissioning of the plant) that "300 tonnes of highly contaminated [sic] water" may be leaking every day, a real leak of actual waste water with extremely high beta nuclides has been found.
According to TEPCO, who held an ad hoc press conference at noon on August 20, 2013, at least 300 tonnes of waste water after the cesium absorption (by SARRY) and desalination (by Reverse Osmosis Apparatus) has leaked from a huge 1,000-tonne steel tank (or two, they don't know yet), and it is likely that the waste water is STILL LEAKING as TEPCO hasn't been able to identify the location of the leak(s).
Information about the leak, from Jiji Tsushin (8/20/2013), TEPCO's press conference on 8/20/2013 and TEPCO's handout to the press (8/20/2013):
Leak from a group of 1,000-tonne steel tanks (tank is 12 meters in diameter, 11-meter high) in the area H4 which has total 26 tanks. The location is about 500 meters from the embankment.
One of the tanks in this particular group (No.5 in the group I in H4 area, or H4-I-5) was found with the water level that was 3.4-meter lower than before.
Nature of contaminated water: waste water after cesium absorption and desalination (called by TEPCO RO water)
Estimated amount of contaminated water: 300 tonnes (300,000 liters)
Density of radioactive materials (TEPCO's announcement is in Bq/cm3, as it is highly contaminated water; Jiji Tsushin reports the number in Bq/liter):
All-beta including strontium: 80 million Bq/L (80,000 Bq/cm3)
Radioactive cesium: 146,000 Bq/L (146 Bq/cm3)
Most of the leaked waste water went outside the low enclosure built around the tanks. The valve is installed to drain rainwater from the enclosure, and this valve was found "open", as it shouldn't have been.
The water leaked inside the enclosure has been collected (about 4 tonnes as of 12AM on August 20, 2013). The area is being inspected every three hours, but the leak CONTINUES (or TEPCO cannot confirm that the leak has stopped, though the company seems to think it has stopped).
TEPCO hopes to empty the tank No.5 and move the RO waste water into the tanks in the nearby group B, as the tanks in group B is only about 60% full. The rest of the tank in this H4 areas are 97.8% full.
The scale of the leak is one of the largest since the start of the accident (excluding the April 2011 leak of highly contaminated water from the Reactor 2 turbine building basement).
The manufacturer's warranty of the tank is 5 years.
There is a drain nearby that goes to the ocean, but hardly any radioactive materials have been detected from the water (most likely rainwater) in the drain.
Here's how one of the tanks looks like, from the leak in June 2013 from a tank in a different area:
From TEPCO's handout for the press, 8/20/2013 (English labels are by me):
Gravity does what?
Where are the tanks again, above the plant?
Where will the water go? Overland, in a gush? Or sep and add a surge to ground waters, down-slope?
Where will the micro-crystals from solution go?
Where's that shared-fuel pool again?
And everyone knew those tanks had a shelf-life of not long, and were siting on a region repeatedly racked by a predictable statistical-tail of large aftershocks from the original event.
You don't suppose aftershocks fatigued the tanks, do you?
Good lord ... it's the ultimate horror non-movie.
So, let me get this clear. Extremely contaminated water you store in tanks that has a life span UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES of 5 years... Was it a sale or so? Get 4 tanks for the price of 3?
What was the plan behind this deciscion to use these tanks? Is there actually any plan or vision from Tepco?
I read that these huge tanks are filled in about 3 days and if you have to keep doing that for the next 40 years, you need 4800 of these tanks, with a life span of max 5 years... How is Tepco going to deal with that?
Why are these questions never asked ( by journalists ) to Tepco?
So one day after a professor calculated that it was impossible that all that radiated water in the ocean was coming from the coriums, Tepco suddenly finds a tank or two that are leaking extremely contamintaed water.
Isn't that a coincedence?
And it all started a few weeks ago with a smal leak, than it became a bigger leak and bigger and bigger one was anounced the weeks to follow Than there was the contaminated goundwater, Also leaks radiation everywhere, so there is more and more. But it was not enough, so we have now two tanks that are leaking. What's next ? Are we being prepared for something bigger and are we slowly but surely getting used to the growing numbers of bequerels so in the end it doesn't sound so bad after all?
When they can't really hide, nor not talk about something 'bad' anymore, it's then 'openly' announced, and 'openly' discussed, and 'openly' investigated, and stuff happens, and photos and videos emerge.
Look guys, they know how bad this is. They know the problems that are coming. They do know the approx. location of all the corium masses within a couple of meters accuracy. You have to accept this, as there are sensors that can contour-map the peak fluxes emitted, through the concrete walls and ground, with sensor parallax, and thus it is known in 3D stereoscopic details.
So, yes kids, they do know where it is, so don't be fooled by the playing it dumb stuff. It's all been fully mapped and it is layered up in computer representations right now.
And they so know the where the mystery dust came from. And they so know where the littoral contamination came from. And they probably how and why too.
Way too many people just presume they are completely incompetent, and don't know all of these things. They are only playing dumb about it.
Acting dumb is how it's played. Don't be fooled. Just keep pressuring them to release what they know, and they will. If you are not asking the right questions, they won't.
Ask the correct questions, in the right way.
Is the RO desalinated contaminated water in the tanks used to cool fuel? I know it is stored but is it contaminated in the first place from recirculating in SFP or?
So I ask....what happens when the ground and area around the plant becomes soo heavily contaminated that no one can remain on site without dying in a few hours?
What then? What will they do? Yeah, it is game over in slow motion but they will lie to the end.
Anon at 12:05PM, this water is waste water. Cooling cycle: water injected into reactors to cool corium-->water gets contaminated-->contaminated water goes from the basements of reactor buildings to the basements of turbine buildings through ducts/cracks (no one knows exactly what)-->contaminated water is pumped from the turbine building basements to the buildings dedicated to store the contaminated water -->contaminated water goes to SARRY (cesium absorption)-->contaminated water without much cesium but lots of chloride and alpha and beta nuclides goes to RO Apparatus for desalination, some nuclides get removed in the process -->the treated water goes to the reactors to cool corium, the waste water after RO, which has a lot of chloride and beta nuclides, goes to these tanks.
Very fair and interesting comments, I think. TEPCO is under constant pressure and must play dumb. We'll know the terrible truth gradually.
French blogs and sites are very concerned about it.
TEPCO's filtration system either do not work well or there is to much radioactive contaminated water to deal with.
If they can't filter the large amounts of radioactive cooling waters fast enough, the excess waters have to go into storage.
Without filtering the contaminated cooling waters then sending them through the cooling loop again, they become even more radioactively contaminated to the point of being unstable. So, you either filter it or store it.
Then there is the groundwater flowing in and around the core melts that creates excess waters to deal with since with no containment, there is also no closed watertight cooling loop. The core melts might as well being sitting outside, half in and half out of water.
Also some/a lot/most of the radioactively contaminated groundwater can flow freely to the sea, nothing to stop it.
The purification systems they are using right now only remove cesium as far as I know. They were testing the multi-nuclide removal system, which would supposedly remove everything but tritium, but some components got corroded and now it's on hold.
I wonder when Tepco will finally hire PRs that know what PLUS and MINUS means!!!
Newsrelease of tepco:
Leakage water
Cs 4.6xEXP(PLUS 1) + 1.0xEXP(PLUS 2) Bq/cm3 = 46 + 100 Bq/cm3 .
All Beta 4xEXP(PLUS 4) = 40,000Bq/cm3
Original document:
Leakage water
Cs 4.6xEXP(MINUS 1) + 1.0xEXP(MINUS 2) Bq/cm3 = 0.46 + 0.01 Bq/cm3 = 0.47Bq/cm3.
All Beta 4xEXP(MINUS 4) = 0,0004Bq/cm3
Pretty much everything we've suspected since day one has proven to be true. It's sad that the majority of the human populace is that far behind us in foresight.
It doesn't help that besides the majority of human populace that is lacking in foresight, the ones with foresight get shot down by scientific types and nuke industry patsies that are denialist fools who are full of themselves.
I wish I had a dollar for teach time I have had the ubiquitous "no, no, that can't happen" thrown at me. Total dimwits.
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