Photos were taken on October 13, released on October 15, 2011. Temperature is in Celsius.
Reactor 1:
Reactor 3:
TEPCO also released the photos of the facilities at J-Village including photos of the cafeteria (opening special - all 500-yen menu) and the concession stall. You can view them by going to TEPCO's "Photos for Press" page (look for releases on October 15), or this PDF file.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Thanks to TEPCO for those revealing photos. It seems the workers have to RENT dosimeters! What better way to ensure that they won't measure their exposure. Nothing happening here. Pay no attention. Just keep moving along. ...
Occupy Tokyo. Make them listen.
The cores are underground it seems.
Nothing to see here.
Surprising that there are hot spots in the spent fuel pools, particularly of reactor 3.
The TEPCO status reports indicate all three pools are back on closed circuit cooling and around 40 degrees C.
Are the hot spots from warm radioactive debris above the pools?
Thanks to TEPCO for those revealing photos. ...October 16, 2011 6:18 AM
Like MSM-news: TEPCO crops until info fits the program. Thus no real photographer documenting allowed on site.
Well, radiation is gone....somewhere!
TEPCO has successfully decontaminated the containment buildings by, ejection of the molten cores into the ground!
I would hope that somewhere in the USA when these cores pop up in someone's backyard, TEPCO will be able to deny that they belong to them!
I hope the cores sink into an Illuminati bunker!
Anonymous said...
I hope the cores sink into an Illuminati bunker!
October 16, 2011 7:49 PM
What will happen?
Adolph the catholic chorus boy filled those bunkers already with gold teeth, been overflowing into nuke slush funds...
Hummm, interesting the core may start the pole reversal which will pretty much wipe everybody out of the planet earth. Mother nature's decontamination process.
Maybe the Finnish troll can finally see that "stacks" cannot possibly be functionally venting the rather travelled melty blobs of corium. But somehow I think not.
TEPCO Handout, for all true believers:
" The Daichii 9 million dollar 140meter (truck drive through -size) stacks have been only used as JAL navigation beacons.
JAL needs all four ($36mil) beacons to be operative ( reconstructed and welded tightly into all meltdown reactors ) to land at Tokyo Haneda airport. "
See, believe more, clic at
So the "stacks" are no longer the functioning venting apparatus spewing nonstop radiation you were raving about a minute ago, now they are ONLY used as JAL navigation beacons. Don't worry no one noticed that switch.
I wish Japan would do away with such foolish Western technology and do something truly wonderful for mankind as a result of this catastrophe-shake off the burden of the West and emerge as the greenest and cleanest energy efficient country in the world whether it's hydrogen, solar, wind, hydro or electro-mechanical unity motors. Show the world the real future that it is missing.
I agree with Anonymous. Japan should take the initiative and lead humanity away from nuclear power and towards renewable energy. They are a major industrial power and they can and should provide this leadership.
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