Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Radioactive Cesium from Breast Milk from Mothers in Hiroshima Prefecture, 840 km from Fukushima I Nuke Plant

One mother had lived in Hiroshima since before the March 11 nuclear accident. The expert at Hiroshima University who measured the density of radioactive cesium suspect it is internal radiation from ingesting contaminated food.

Hiroshima is over 840 kilometers from Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.

From Chugoku Shinbun (10/12/2011):


A citizens' group called "Tsunagaro Hiroshima (Let's connect, Hiroshima" announced on October 11 that a minute amount of radioactive materials has been detected from the breast milk of two mothers who live in Hiroshima Prefecture. One of them escaped from Tokyo after the March 11 disaster; the other had lived in Hiroshima since before the disaster. The researcher at Hiroshima University who measured the breast milk says there is no problem feeding their babies with the breast milk.


The survey was done in early October on 4 people who evacuated to Hiroshima from the Kanto region after the March 11 disaster, and on 2 people who had lived in Hiroshima since before the disaster. 100 cc of the breast milk was taken from each mother, and tested by Professor Kiyoshi Shizuma of Hiroshima University Graduate School of Engineering.


A minute amount of radioactive cesium was detected from two mothers in their thirties. The Ministry of Health and Labor uses the provisional safety limit for milk and dairy products for radioactive cesium (200 becquerels/kg) for the breast milk. The citizens' group has not disclosed the detailed numbers as the mothers do not wish the numbers to be disclosed, but says they are well below the standard set by the Ministry of Health and Labor.


Professor Shizuma will continue to monitor the mother who has lived in Hiroshima since before the accident, as "It is possible that radioactive cesium came from ingesting the contaminated food."


The leader of the citizens' group says he will ask the prefectural government to set up a system to test the breast milk and urine, and to measure the radiation in food.


netudiant said...

No surprise here.
Japan is pretty self sufficient, so if the bulk of Japan's agriculture production is affected, so will the Japanese be. It would be more surprising if people were not contaminated.
Im effect, Japan is now a biological laboratory evaluating the impact of sustained low level contamination on the entire demographic pyramid, from newborn babe to centenarian. I do not think the people of Japan chose to be part of this laboratory, but they did select the political leaders that have brought about this situation.

hempy the funstik said...

I would think if they find it in the breast milk of new mothers they will also find it in the child from the gestation period within moms belly.

Anonymous said...

"Japan is pretty self sufficient"

Japan imports between 50% and 60% of its food.

"The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry said in August that Japan's food self-sufficiency in 2006 was 39 percent on a calorie basis and 68 percent in terms of the value of agricultural output."

And the concentrations of Cs-137 in food stuff all over the planet wasn't 0 before March 11, so until we see concrete results, specially if Cs-134 was detected, we can't say for sure how much is from Fukushima.

netudiant said...

No argument that Japan imports a lot of food, just noting that Japan consumes most of its agricultural products internally.
It is also true that everyone is radioactive to a degree, from sources such as radioactive potassium in the bones, with no obvious ill effects. So junior will absorb radioactivity during gestation, with or without Fukushima.
Strontium 90 however is not a natural product, being a decay product from nuclear processes in bombs and reactors.
Finding it in mothers milk is a bad sign, unless it is shown to be at such low levels that it could be attributed to residual contamination from bomb testing.
Cesium similarly could be an ambient background level, particularly as a level 'well below 200Bq/kg' really is very low. However, it would be very surprising if the researchers had reported numbers that were in line with background levels, so I take this report to mean that these ladies are showing evidence of increased exposure to radioactive materials, foodstuffs or other.

Anonymous said...

The whole "news" is bs - until specifics are revealed. Just to keep irradiated mushrooms babbling while Reactors kept bubbling.

Japan? LOL. Nukelubed diversion.

Northern hemisphere continued intentionally criminal contamination.

Anonymous said...

(cr here)

Within which, "govt standards" for radiation ?

The 2010 ones,
the much-inflated Coverup numbers the govt made up since the meltdowns ?

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