That is the air radiation. NHK News says the number happens to be much higher than the current air radiation in Iitate-mura (2.1 microsieverts/hour at the village office) in Fukushima Prefecture, where all the villagers have had to evacuate.
Just like in Yokohama City, a citizen measured the air radiation, and alerted the municipal government who then went and measured. At least the municipal governments have started to at least respond.The result was 2.8 microsieverts/hour. The Setagaya-ku government power-washed the 10-meter stretch of the side walk, and the radiation came down to ... (hold your breath)... 2.71 microsieverts/hour.
Setagaya-ku is one of the special wards of Tokyo that located at the western end of the 23 special wards on the east Tokyo. It borders Kanagawa Prefecture to the south. (Setagaya-ku is marked in deep purple in the map, where the special wards are marked in light purple.)
From NHK News Japanese (10:58PM JST 10/12/2011):
2.7 microsieverts/hour radiation was detected on a municipal road in Setagaya-ku (special ward) in Tokyo earlier this month, and the Setagaya-ku government is asking people to avoid the location while it considers the decontamination plan.
The high radiation was detected in the 10-meter long, 1-meter wide stretch of the side walk in Tsurumaki in Setagaya-ku. According to the Setagaya-ku government, a resident informed the government on October 3 that there was a location with high radiation. When the Setagaya-ku government measured, the radiation was 2.8 microsieverts/hour maximum, much higher than the surrounding area.
The Setagaya-ku government used the pressure washer to wash the stretch of the side walk, but the radiation level only came down to 2.707 microsieverts/hour. The expert whom the government consulted with said the radiation level there may have become elevated because of the rainwater collecting there.
However, the measurement revealed that the air radiation was higher off the ground than on the ground, and the Setagaya-ku government is planning to investigate further to identify the cause of this unusual result.
This municipal road is a designated school route to an elementary school. Setagaya-ku has put up the road cones to alert people not to enter the area, and is considering decontamination. Setagaya-ku measured the radiation in elementary schools, middle schools, kindergartens and nursery schools in July and August, but there was no high radiation detected at that time. It plans to measure the radiation of 258 parks later this month to ensure safety for small children.
Yoko Saito, head of the Setagaya-ku environmental office said, "This is a school route to an elementary school, and there are a kindergarten and a nursery school nearby. I think there are parents who may worry. We will respond as quickly as possible, such as decontamination, after we consult with experts."
Who wouldn't be worried? From what I have heard from an acquaintance, the majority of the parents. They are more worried if their toddlers can get into a prestigious kindergarten. (She is considering moving to Australia with her children.)
How is Setagaya-ku going to "decontaminate", anyway? Power-washing failed. They may have to remove the side walk altogether, and take down part of the yard that borders the sidewalk. I wonder if they are testing the soil or sediment on the side walk. There is no news or announcement at the Setagaya-ku government website.
Looking at the NHK video clip that accompanies the article, the particular stretch looks no different from any other stretch. It is bordering somebody's yard with plants. According to the Ministry of Education and Science aerial survey map of contamination for Tokyo, there should be hardly any contamination for Setagaya-ku.
Can someone explain to me how pressure washing is supposed to work in this context? Suppose the water dislodges some radioactive particles: then what? Is all the water carefully collected for disposal? Or do the particles simply flow off with the water to a new location? In my experience, pressure washing splashes a lot of water around, and I've never once seen it collected for disposal.
Hosaka is the name of the head of this district. He's known to be aware of people's needs and even minorities like homeless children. He was assembly to the diet, came there as an opposition activist and became famous to ask more (critical) questions than anybody else. Then he decided to run for government of Setagaya, since there he could do more than at the diet, as he said. He himself was surprised of beeing elected. (My girlfriend met him in the '80s, when he was not a politician.)
This is how it is done. It is costly and time consuming and takes a lot of people and detection equipment to do it properly, but it is the ONLY way.
It is good enough, for now, to mark hotspots with paint so people know not to go there. Later, one must spray glue so radioactive dust doesn't fly or flow off to somewhere else.
Then, when there is time and money, the contaminated stuff must be cut out and dumped into low-level radwaste storage.
But the most important bit is this: to find all the hotspots. People need to organize. Japan is supposed to have the best civil defense in the world. It must spring into action, as if the country had been nuked again. Because it has, sort of.
According to a couple of evening news programs, this radiation is probably not from Fukusima. A professor of Tokyo Metropolitan University has analyzed the type of radionuclide and concluded it's radium with 90 percent chance. In addition, it was also reported that the radiation level in the yard of the house facing this hot spot is much higher, and some bottles have been found form under the floor of this house which show high level of radiation. What's inside?? Scary.
Jiji Tsushin article appeared.
It says they found a few bottles in a wooden box under the floor of the house and the radiation level of the bottles was more than 30 microsievert per hour. The content of the bottle has not been identified yet.
Maybe someone from Aum Shinrikyo used to live there?
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