The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) based in Atlanta, Georgia has issued the report on the early days of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident with overview and timeline of the accident.
The 104-page document is available here:
From the introduction:
This report provides a narrative overview and timeline for the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on March 11, 2011. The purpose of this report is to provide an accurate, consolidated source of information regarding the sequence of events that occurred in the first days of the accident. The information contained in this report may be used for determining future U.S. and international industry corrective actions.
... This report reflects the best available information, most of which was obtained from direct and ongoing interaction with TEPCO. ...
I haven't read it myself but feel free to report on it or any segment of it in the comment section.
(H/T TerraHertz)
Why is it posted on cryptome? Is it different from the one posted on the Nuclear Energy Institute's website?
Thank you for posting this!
I only pray that China can get Thorium working. If it takes a communistict state to show the world how peaceful nuclear energy should have been made... I can't think of more poetic justice.
"Why is it posted on cryptome? Is it different from the one posted on the Nuclear Energy Institute's website?"
It seems to be the same. Cryptome publishes a lot of openly accessible stuff. A bit lame for a supposed "leaks" site IMO but, well, that's how they work.
Anon2: China is not a communist state. "Communist state" is an oxymoron: communism is transcendence of state, in this Marxists and Anarchists agree but the former want to achieve communism via a socialist state, while the latter want to go directly into communism.
Whatever the case China nowadays (i.e. since Mao died more or less) is a fascist capitalist state under a red banner and not anymore even a socialist state of the "communist" wannabe kind. Things clear, hot chocolate dense, thanks.
Thks for posting this packet. Quick skim proves it to be std MSM - although rolled in facts. (Fact ratio seems to be 99:1 when MSM is vice versa)
With no core cooling to remove decay heat, core damage may have begun on Unit 1 on the day of the event.
- May have? Whata mayhem ... other reports tell of meltdown 3 hours after cooling was lost.
explosions in the Unit 1 and Unit 3
---> once in a lifetime, hideously expressed Unit 3 had multiple 4-xplosions ... is it OK?
Organized off-site radiation surveys began on March 16.
- Whata joke. Ongoing 24/7/365 somehow "began"
At least one of the waves that arrived at the station measured approximately 46 to 49 feet (14 to 15 meters) high based on water level indications on the buildings.
- TEPCOvideo 21.10.2011 shows three story building with all smashed windows; building stands 15meters above sea level and waves smash all its windows. Oh, I know. Japanese flats r only ½ height ...
"diesel generator rooms located in the basement of the turbine buildings and not designed to withstand flooding"
- Best analysis found on page 11: Typical NPP fact: "not designed" to withstand anything...
Figure 3.3-1
- banal TEPCO window dressing scenery; mentioned beach buildings intentionally missing.
Page13.Core cooling was eventually established when a fire engine was used to inject seawater.
- eh main msg: Miraculously, Its All Over, only Chernobyl continues... ... and all kids clapped their hairy hands.
...Then Massive dose of info. Read n sleep....
Page 90, 14-Mar 1101 The Unit 3 reactor building exploded. The explosion damaged the fire engine and...
- Nonews: The four arriving inspectors die. I guess they saw smtg amiss, maybe the USS RReagan ops? Thus must be kept as a secret.
Insight into 'Commun'-ism:
Investigative Journal June 16 2011 Broadcast
By Greg Szymanski
Stalin is revealed.
Trained a Jesuit, he was one of their star pupils tutored to be the world’s top mass murderer.
Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (December 18, 1878 – March 5, 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin (stalin meaning “made of steel”. Josef was born to influential Catholic parents Vissarion “Beso” Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina “Keke” Geladze....Whatever the real truth, Josef was accepted into the Catholic Cappuchin run school at Gori.
He graduated in 1892 first in his class and at the age of 14 he was accepted to enter the “Orthodox” Seminary of Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia), a Jesuit institution to be trained as a Jesuit priest. In spite of contrary history written about the Jesuit run seminary, the Jesuits remained in Russian territory after the order was banned by Alexander I in 1820, maintaining control of several institutions, including the Seminary of Tiflis. Stalin himself openly admitted the Jesuit control of the institution in his famous interview with Jewish Journalist Emil Ludwig (Cohen):
Likewise, Adolph was born from cat holy parents, was Jesuit educated. “The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of L0yola served as the foundation; the supreme law was absolute obedience, the execution of any order whatsoever without question. Hi mmler himself, as Reichsfuhrer of the SS, was the general of the 0rder. He built up the SS organization according to the principles of the j€§suits."
- “I am now as before a Cat holic and will always remain so.” – Ad0lf Hit ler.... speaking of the g€stapo chief said, "I can see (main holocaust executioner) Himmler as our Ignatius of L0yola
- ...G0ebbels, B0rmann, Kalt€nbrunner, H0ess…studied for the priesthood... Karl M@rx maintained close ties with the j€§uits and Freemas0nry, The Communist International was first simply known as the League of the Just, a branch of the papal Illuminati.
- All US lawbr... err lawmakers have a common Red Mass for a mass mrderer... jessuit Thomas More. He is now a 'saint via pap al blessing', man whom all these revered jۤsuits pray for in the RED MASS (see youtube etc). Man whom Pop e sent personally to oversee the Bible-In-English translator Tyndale - burned alive.
Ludwig) What impelled you to become an oppositionist?
... it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.
Ludwig) But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?
Stalin) Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends but their principal method is spying, prying, worming their way into people’s souls and outraging their feelings.
What good can there be in that?
For instance, the spying in the hostel. At nine o’clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining-room, and when we return to our rooms we find that meantime a search has been made and all our chests have been ransacked … What good point can there be in that?
At Tiflis, Stalin’s closest friend was fellow classmate Krikor Bedros Aghajanian, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, a powerful and ruthless Catholic cardinal who went on to control the death camps in Siberia under Stalin’s rule. ... 147million dead.
The more credible and controversial conclusion is that Stalin did graduate from the Jesuit Seminary as a proper Jesuit priest, with his first assignment being to infiltrate and manage the Georgian underground against the Russian Tsarist Government. Again, the fact that Stalin was awarded an academic position at the Tiflis Observatory gives credence to his Jesuit credentials and completed study.
Anon, your medication.
Papal Pill Offerings; the infected cant help Self-Exposee: "spying, prying, worming their way into people’s souls and outraging their feelings."
Next step, spread your legs?
Page 24: "... when, at 1536, an explosion occurred in the Unit 1 reactor building. ... A review of satellite pictures revealed that the explosion also caused a blowout panel in the Unit 2 reactor building to open, which resulted in a loss of secondary containment integrity."
I am certain I read at the time, that this panel had been deliberately blown out to vent the building, thus preventing a H explosion in it too. Something about a military team being sent in to blow the panel? But I can't find a ref. The location of the panel, and where it fell (directly below) absolutely exclude the #1 explosion as cause.
Page 37: "Subsequent analyses and inspections determined that the spent fuel pool water levels never dropped below the top of fuel in any spent fuel pool and that no significant fuel damage had occurred. Current investigation results indicate that any potential fuel damage may have been caused by debris from the reactor building explosions."
Oh really? Unit 3's SFP very clearly had at least one criticality (more likely three in quick succession) resulting in that impressive vertical shotgun blast ejection cloud. The fuel pellets are all over the countryside. This is 'no significant fuel damage'?
"The [#3] explosion scattered highly radioactive debris around the site." Yes, because purely hydrogen-air explosions always heavily radioactively contaminate the resulting rubble. Right.
The more this 'all SFPs are fine' rubbish goes on, the more I think the biggest secret of Fukushima is what happened in #3's spent fuel pool.
Ok, there are two, possibly three reactor cores boring down into the ground and at least one going repeatedly critical. But the most concerted coverup is about a nuclear explosion (series) in a SFP. Why is that? Is it because there's some particularly nasty legal liability aspect, to letting a SFP uncover and explode?
Or is it that there's a deeply fundamental design flaw been demonstrated here (SFPs can undergo firecracker-string daisy-chain prompt criticalities) and this applies to ALL SFPs worldwide, and is sooooo very bad that it's absolutely not going to be admitted by anyone?
Here's some more on the 'three bangs' of unit 3 exploding:
Nice that AG finally noticed the cut roof beams over the unit 3 SFP. How many months after I'd pointed it out to him? Oh well.
- Four (4) bangs
- SFP "firecracker-string daisy-chain prompt criticalities" is fully described phenomena already tn yrs ago. Fukushima meltdowns, no 'surprise' but planned op.
Ref. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 45-47, January/February 2002 What about the spent fuel? By Robert Alvarez
- Planning, placing deliberately against all warnings, tens thousands tons weight high above a shaky Reactor - to the most quake prone spot - has no rational thinking behind. Then GLOBALLY add 500 of these Uranium beachbombs and load them full with million times more dangerous Plutonium.
Ref. NYTimes March 26.2011: Designing for Earthquakes, Assessing the Risks
No rational answer, but pure madness. Oh but u can find their depopulation acts and declarations all over in recent history...
--->Is there anybody reading NYTimes March 26.2111: "Designing for Depopulation, Assessing the Headcount"
"No rational answer, but pure madness."
Describes your incomprehensible rants perfectly.
Describes your incomprehensible rants perfectly.
November 14, 2011 7:11 AM
As youre so afraid what I say, I continue quoting your handler's Father incest:
Papal Pill Offerings served; the infected cant help Self-Exposee: "spying, prying, worming their way into people’s souls and outraging their feelings."
Why was spread your legs -msg bypassed?
I guess you'll lose your allowance.
why this blog is allowed to be being polluted by this spamming jerk above, I do not know.
This is a pic of Fuku corium = the nonstoppable unpredictable boiling meltdown mass, evaporating/diggin baserock 17m/year
They say theres at least three of these ... which could sink Japan at any moment
No way of checking if that is true or not. Enjoy as is.
"This is a pic of Fuku corium = the nonstoppable unpredictable boiling meltdown mass, evaporating/diggin baserock 17m/year"
I thought you wrote it is connected to a pumping stack. Sinking 17 m/yr and it's still venting using stack?? Now that's some awesome engineering.
Anonymous said...
" why this blog is allowed to be being polluted by this spamming jerk above, I do not know. "
November 14, 2011 11:18 AM
Where ever facts (about nukelubed empire or whatever) are delivered, these send their stinky paid army. Stalin is real authority to say how they do it ...
Example: Clinton's dirt dropping bats got 2500$/month if they succeeded in ruining a targeted fact based forum. (He/She belongs into Stalins brotherhood.)
Its two pronged (doubleheaded) sicko planned attack; one is to demonize the person(s), another is to scare normal audience with the stink.
troLLOL. Illiterate Pump kins aka instant experverts...
Hey. At least you have learned one new trick. Got that from last sht-drop edu-camp? Good. Everyone is so tired of your copypaste papal pill offerings...
"all kids clapped their hairy hands." "Next step, spread your legs?" "your handler's Father incest" "Pump kins aka instant experverts..."
what are you really trying to say, closet homobro? your style reminds me of a distressed orchestra playing for dear life on a sinking ship. i gotta agree with the others that you are nuts. between you and tepco the earth is starting to look like the mental institution of the universe.
Its two pronged (doubleheaded) sicko planned attack; one is to demonize the person(s), another is to scare normal audience with the stink.
Is that why you keep calling anyone who disagrees with you a "Jesuit", a "papist", a "nukelubed" a "Stalinist"..etc. and nauseating us with your stinky linky factys while resorting to religious "your soul will go to hell if you don't believe in Jesus and the 1611 KJV bible" scare tactics? Talk about sicko, eh.
"Trained a Jesuit, he was one of their star pupils tutored to be the world’s top mass murderer.
Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (December 18, 1878 – March 5, 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin (stalin meaning “made of steel”. Josef was born to influential Catholic parents Vissarion “Beso” Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina “Keke” Geladze... bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla ".
Thank you for your absolutely mind boggling Stalin insights even though anybody can google him and read pages and pages. As if you are the only one who has got the dirt on Stalin covered and nobody else knows any history Mr. Cut And Paste Troll.
Our resident gibbering troll said:
"SFP "firecracker-string daisy-chain prompt criticalities" is fully described phenomena already tn yrs ago. Fukushima meltdowns, no 'surprise' but planned op.
Ref. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 45-47, January/February 2002 What about the spent fuel? By Robert Alvarez"
Although that is an interesting article, worth reading (here:
What about the spent fuel? By Robert Alvarez) it contains *nothing* related to the kind of cyclic repeating prompt criticalities in a single SFP that I'm suggesting is possible, and DID happen in Fukushima #3 SFP.
If Mr 'Stalin was a Jesuit' Troll is a paid disinformation shill rather than just a random lunatic, then I take his well played red herring as an indication this topic is worth pushing. And random lunatics don't tend to have 'superficially relevant but actually not' sensible technical article references at hand for laying red herrings like that.
Looks like I'm going to have to draw a diagram for people.
Here's a copy of the original video as I saved it from the net on 20110314:
The three bangs are very clear. It seems to be getting hard to find original copies of that video now.
You're right about the unit2 blow-off. Tepco made the announcement March14
Then, they made no status report of Daiichi until March16, but i found this on german GSI:
"Laut dem japanischen Fernsehsender TBS hat der Staatssekretär Makino am 14.3.2011 um 21:00 Uhr bestätigt, dass eine Öffnung im Reaktorgebäude zur Abfuhr von Dampf und Wasserstoff geschaffen wurde."
Translation: according to the japanese TV-station TBS, states secretary Makino has confirmed March 14,2011, 9PM, that a hole was created in the reactor building in order to remove steam and hydrogen.
re spent fuel pool Unit3:
"Block 3
Nach Angaben von NHK soll seit 8:30 Uhr Ortszeit, 16.03.2011, über Block 3 eine Dampffahne stehen. Nach NISA wird vermutet, dass das Containment beschädigt ist.
Es wurde versucht, vom Hubschrauber aus Wasser ins BE-Becken zu schütten. Die Aktion wurde erfolglos wegen hoher Aktivität in der Umgebung abgebrochen.
Die Brennstäbe liegen ca. 2,30 m frei."
Unit 3
According to NHK, since 8:30AM March16,2011, a plume is said to be seen above unit3. According to NISA, it is assumed the containment is damaged.
There were attempts to get water into the spent fuel pool by helicopter, but this action was discontinued because of too high activity in the surrounding.
Fuel rods are exposed at around 2,30m.
"If Mr 'Stalin was a Jesuit' Troll is a paid disinformation shill rather than just a random lunatic, ..."
Your second guess is correct. Mr. "Stalin was a Jesuit" is definitely just a random lunatic who happens to be an Arto Lauri jihadist, righteous fundamental christian preacher and writes he is from Sweden on his Youtube profile.
Then the oh so hurting Facts, repeated-revealed even for the jesuits: Investigative Journal June 16 2011 Broadcast By Greg Szymanski
"Stalin himself openly admitted the Jesuit control of the institution in his famous interview with Jewish Journalist Emil Ludwig (Cohen)"
WTF does Stalin have to do with anything here
WTF trolls cant read - who helps em write? Next step is papal Pill offerings.
"Maju said...
Anon2: China is not a communist state"
Anonymous said...
Anon, your medication.
November 14, 2011 4:20 AM
Oopps, I am so sorry. U have already used that papal step here.
Exiting - Which is it - mushrooms or more WTF filled holes ... call your handler for help.
^^^^ instant idiot-troll post above. just add alcohol.
Bacch anal will never get facts straight: China is a communist state documented in 20 languages.
I have factys to show when u sorry folks got none... eh?
WTF, no facts, no answers...I know...impossible.
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