Monday, December 5, 2011

AP Artricle on Fuku-I 45-Tonne Water Leak (No Mention of Strontium)

AP decided to focus only on relatively small numbers for radioactive cesium in the 45 tonnes of water that was found leaking from the evaporative condensation apparatus at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on Sunday.

No mention of strontium, 100,000 becquerels/cubic centimeter or 100 million becquerels/liter, anywhere.

From AP via Washington Post (12/5/2011):

TOKYO — Japan’s crippled nuclear power plant leaked about 45 tons of highly radioactive water from a purification device over the weekend, its operator said, and some may have drained into the ocean.

The leak is a reminder of the difficulties facing Tokyo Electric Power Co. as it tries to meet its goal of bringing the tsunami-damaged Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant to a cold shutdown by year’s end.

pool of radioactive water was discovered midday Sunday around a decontamination device, TEPCO said in a statement on its website. After the equipment was turned off, the leak appeared to stop. Later, workers found a crack in a concrete barrier leaking the contaminated water into a gutter that leads to the ocean.

TEPCO estimated about 300 liters leaked out before the crack was blocked with sandbags.

Officials were checking whether any water had reached the nearby ocean.

The leakage of radioactive water from the Fukushima plant into the Pacific Ocean in the weeks after the March 11 accident caused widespread concern that seafood in the coastal waters would be contaminated.

The pooled water around the purification device was measured Sunday at 16,000 bequerels per liter of cesium-134, and 29,000 bequerels per liter of cesium-137, TEPCO said. That’s 270 times and 322 times higher, respectively, than government safety limits, according to the Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center in Tokyo.

Cesium-137 is dangerous because it can last for decades in the environment, releasing cancer-causing radiation. The half-life of cesium-134 is about two years, while the half-life of cesium-137 is about 30 years.

TEPCO is using the purification devices to decontaminate water that has been cooling the reactors. Three of the plant’s reactor cores mostly melted down when the March 11 tsunami knocked out the plant’s cooling system.


Anonymous said...

Interesting since the Japan Times acknowledged the strontium in their story this morning (U.S.).

Mike said...

I posted the following comment on the Washington Post's page for this article:

"This article is deceptive in only mentioning contamination by cesium. It fails to mention the astronomical amounts of strontium, an even more dangerous element contained in the water that has been dumped in the ocean. TEPCO says the water may have had a concentration of 100,000 becquerels per cubic centimeter of strontium. That's up to 1,000,000 times the safety limit for seawater.
Partial english translation:"

It was immediately - within five minutes -- deleted by the moderator for violating the Post's commenting rules.

That's kind of discouraging.

Lili said...

I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work.

Blessings to you.

LIli said...

@Mike email your link to the editor of the Post. You're not doing it to get his attention. You are saving the emails of proof of them being alerted to the problem for later,after the SHTF.

This is going to change things all over the world very shortly.

There will be no way to calculate the cost of what is about to happen. But America is going to have to pay a huge debt for their part in this.

Anonymous said...

No worries, Martin Fackler, Tokyo Bureau, NY Times, the only non-Japanese on the "bus tour", reporting nothing on the order of being told to put down their cameras as they passed Reactor #2, has managed to post an article.
A million, billion??
Guess we are going to find out if the old industry adage "Dilution is the Solution" has an end point.

Morgaine said...

Color me "not surprised" at AP's neglect to mention strontium.

The spitfire-smart decisions by infant-formula producers, Meiji, to continue producing baby formula--even while reactors were exploding, hither and yon, at Fukushima-D--virtually guaranteed Japanese babies would be fed radioactive formula by their loving parents.

[Indeed, anyone who is exposed to radioactive elements, especially strontium, runs this risk--but those who live in Japan are at exponentially higher risks.]

Embryos and babies are especially susceptable to radioactive intake because they are in a period of high growth, with lots of cell replication.

Stronium, of course, is known for mutating the gene packets in gonads (ovaries for the ladies, testicles for the guys). This is genetic mutation BEFORE conception occurs.

This raises the distinct possibility that, when a male and a female make whoopee, and if conception occurs, one or both partners will contribute a genetically mutated packet of genes from which their child will form.

Because the defects are coded into the embryo's genetic code, the child will, in turn, pass on the genetic defects to their own children...who will pass on the genetic defects to their own children..and on and on it goes.

Unless the genetic defects cause fatalities before the genetically deformed offspring are old enough to have children, Japan is looking at a future where genetic mutations in their nation's people will be the norm.

And because humans are known to create offspring with partners who are not of their own country--unless Japan ends up making its people genetic pariahs, shunned by others for mating purposes, beforehand--the genetic mutants in Japan will share their genetically-coded defects with the rest of the world.

The nature of how strontium produces birth defects similar to those produced by thalidomide 50 years ago. These are devestating birth deformities.

With this type of care and concern for the future of Japan's future genetic pool being demonstrated by the manufacturers of infant formula in Japan, and the criminally negligant manner in which Tepco and the government has approached dealing with Fukushima-D, it should come to no surprise that AP--corporate tools that they are--kind of forgot to mention the stronium contamination.

So AP becomes part of the conspiracy to ensure the devastation of the original Fukushima-D disaster will never go away. Indeed, they have guaranteed that the human species will pay the price--in the form of genetic birth deformities--for the rest of the human species' existence.

Morgaine said...

@LIli, @Mike

Might want to try the Washington Post's omsbudsman, Patrick Pexton.



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