Monday, April 18, 2011

#Fukushima I Nuke Plant Is Polluting the Entire Planet, Says the Preparatory Commission For CTBTO

No escape.

The Preparatory Commission for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) announced on April 13, 2011 that the radioactive materials from the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant had reached the southern hemisphere:

- Update 13 April: radioactivity also measured in the southern hemisphere -

Since the double disaster of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that affected hundreds of thousands of people and seriously damaged the Fukushima Daichi power plant in Japan on 11 March 2011, minute traces of radioactive emissions from Fukushima have spread across the entire northern hemisphere. A monitoring network designed to detect signs of nuclear explosions picked up these traces from the stricken power plant.

To date, more than 35 radionuclide stations that are part of the International Monitoring System (IMS) have provided information on the spread of radioactive particles and noble gases from the Fukushima accident. The IMS is a global network that will comprise 337 facilities when complete. Sixty-three of the 80 planned IMS radionuclide stations are already operational and able to detect airborne radioactivity.

Initial findings

The first analysis results of the monitoring data became available a few days after the accident. A clear picture quickly emerged. Initial detections of radioactive materials were made on 12 March at the Takasaki monitoring station in Japan just 250 km away from the troubled power plant. The dispersion of the radioactive isotopes could then be followed to eastern Russia on 14 March and to the west coast of the United States two days later.

Spreading across the entire globe

Nine days after the accident, the radioactive cloud had crossed Northern America. Three days later when a station in Iceland picked up radioactive materials, it was clear that the cloud had reached Europe. By day 15, traces from the accident in Fukushima were detectable all across the northern hemisphere. For the first four weeks, the radioactive materials remained confined to the northern hemisphere, with the equator initially acting as a dividing line between the northern and southern air masses. As of 13 April, radioactivity had spread to the southern hemisphere of the Asia-Pacific region and had been detected at stations located for example in Australia, Fiji, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.

(The full announcement at the link.)


Rafael said...

Thanks for all your information.
Do you have any idea of what is really happening with Fukushima?
I also have heard many rumors and don't know which source we should believe in.
Is the situation really bad as Michio Kaku said?

arevamirpal::laprimavera said...

What's really happening? No one knows, or people who must know are not telling. They may be telling us the true situation one month or one year from now, just like that bureaucrat at NISA said it was a core melt after one full month and that PM assistant said they didn't feel like announcing that a month ago.

What was considered a "lie" or "rumor" has turned out to be either true or understatement of the situation. Like Fukushima was level 7. It was level 7 within few hours of Reactor 1 explosion.

Nuclear researchers, other than government shills, in Japan seem divided; many now think there will be no more dramatic events like explosion, but some still think explosions could happen. But none of them has the solid, detailed data other than what's been disclosed by TEPCO. Flying blind.

Michio Kaku may not necessarily know the true situation, but that goes the same with just about anybody. I think he's right in saying that slight disturbance could set off a full-scale meltdown, and that only the military can bring an end to the crisis.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that the CTBTO charter doesn't allow them to release detailed information to the public in real time? Is this because nuclear nations don't want their "dirty" laundry aired. Nuclear facilities regularly release "safe" levels of radiation during their operation. A publicly available resource like this could throw a monkey wrench into the nuclear renaissance if people could track releases and little known source points.

Anonymous said...

MAJIA'S SUMMARY from majia’s blog

Old model assumed only cells directly subject to radiation were damaged.

New model emphasizes how low-dose radiation can cause indirect damage to cells through the bystander effect and through genomic instability.

The effects of low-dose ionizing radiation are variable and can reduce DNA repair mechanisms, operate lethally on cells or some instances activate them depending upon type of radiation, chemical environment, etc.

“In recent years, several lines of evidence have been accumulating that low-dose effects of ionizing radiation involve formerly unexpected cellular phenomena such as non-targeted and delayed radiation effects. These effects clearly contradict the classical paradigm of radiation biology saying that all radiation effects on cells, tissues and organisms are due to the direct action of radiation on DNA…. As another low-dose non-linear radiation response can be added the phenomenon of low-dose radiation hypersensitivity (LDRH) [68] and [69] that has been observed in many cell types. It manifests itself by high lethality”

Dietrich Averbeck, a, Towards a New Paradigm for Evaluating the Effects of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis Volume 687, Issues 1-2, 1 May 2010 pages 7-12

Low-Dose radiation suppresses the body’s adaptive response against genomic instability

Huang L, Kim PM, Nickoloff JA, Morgan WF. 2007. Targeted and nontargeted effects of low-dose ionizing radiation on delayed genomic instability in human cells. Cancer Research 67:1099–1104.

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