For nearly a year, this blog has been covering the natural and nuclear disasters after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
There have been people who decided to discuss topics that were not related to the the post or the blog, and who successively became a running joke among regulars. Luckily they have mostly stopped coming, and when they do they seem to be routed out quickly.
This is my personal blog about the Fukushima disaster.
The comment section of the blog is not for advertisement, not for sharing the lengthy personal or professional stories unrelated to the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan, and not for launching a personal attack on other posters.
I decided to allow free comments, instead of me having to go through each comment and publishing it, to facilitate the exchange of information, opinions, ideas that are related to the nuclear disaster. I will keep it that way.
Thank you for your continued support.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Thank you Ex Skf! Your work as well as your drive towards the truth is greatly appreciated.
Does this mean we can't poke back at the nutty trolls anymore? :-(((((
@anon at 9:32, we have to poke them so that they go away.
9:34, okay then. ;-)))))
If you haven't donated to this website lately, now is a good time. He does certainly put up with alot from us while providing the best source of information on fukushima that I have found. If you can, please donate today.
Keep up the good work
Keep up the good work - is thinking about stopping his blog. That would be a shame.
Think about the long run - once the first cancer death wave starts hitting (before 2015 at this rate) you will be the go-to person for information on Fukushima.
Noone has collected as much info as you have.
Keep up the good work!
I hope I wasn't one of those people who went off-topic. My apologies if I came across that way. I tend to go off on tangents when I try to cover all angles.
I will refrain from talking about casting, smoking cigarettes and living in a tent.
ty 4 ur blog.
Note to future self-
Bananas...moving away from the keyboard now.
Thank you for caring enough to do this work.
Thank you so much, EX-SKF. I read here almost daily, and that's the exact reason I stopped reading Because of all the off-topic crap comments, spamming and complete lack of site moderation over there. I have lost all respect for that site and it's ridiculous agenda crap comments. Please keep up the moderation and good work here.
Thanks for the blog. Don't let detractors distract you.
...the living in a tent thing was curious
You are welcome.
A blog like this one is bound to get some schizoaffective posters but they all have the same tell tale post content that is easy to spot.
I was a super-mod on a forum for 5 years and we had to get rid of quite a few of these posters--always the same symptomatic posts. I felt sorry for them in the beginning because it is terrible to fall victim to a mental disorder but on the other hand they were so disruptive, so lacking in any empathy towards other forum members that I couldn't tolerate them anymore and got rid of them as fast as I could spot them. If you let them run wild with their delusions, and they usually have delusions of various degrees of grandeur, it is all the other posters that will suffer because of it.
Thank you ex-skf for all of your work, and it is work! I am so grateful for this blog and the support it offers me albeit indirectly. :)
Thanks for addressing the trolls, they are a nuisance and a bore in my opinion. The information you provide is very valuable, and it is a shame to have it hijacked by these creeps from time to time.
However, I fear that on occasion my comments might miss the mark, especially when I am particularly upset about what is happening. I will be more careful in the future.
Please keep running this race!
We need this blog.
Europe must be taught the hard way. In blogs like your, we find the utilities.
Thanks for continuing the Fukushima posts. I haven't written about Fukushima lately, but I continue to check this site for news and updates. Unit 2 continues to look unstable so I continue to watch what's happening.
from Dusseldorf, Germany, I check your web every day...TEPCO owns NHK and most Japanese media, so I never read them...too much energy for SKF to maintain blog, but it´s easy for gaijin to knoe status of radiation in Japan..
thanks SKF...chotto benri-kun,´re the only one who gives us (gaijin who love Japan) true information...we rely on you...muzukashii naaa...
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