No words yet on how they plan to deliver them, supposedly on Monday, once they select the vendor.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Too bad Japan is so far away I hear they have thousands of gallons of purified reactor water they'd sell for a song.
OT: Other interesting Cuban missile crisis stuff
"We’re just past the anniversary of the peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis, though as Svetlana Savranskaya emphasizes, in various forms the Crisis was still on-going through early December 1962. The missiles were still there, there were still huge numbers of tactical nuclear weapons on the island, and the military forces of the USA and USSR were still wound up and ready to pounce — nuclear war, even accidental nuclear war, was still a very real possibility. The claiming that the Crisis was “over” on October 28 was a publicity move (one well-timed for the 1962 midterm elections as much as anything else)."
Same for the nuclear reactors damaged in Hurricane Sandy..ALERT level..but no news..or mention in the press. the establishment and re-elect the guilty..
its a pity this blog has gone downhill, it used to be the main blog for fukushima and now its all crap about America and the fake elections, has Fukushima been sorted out ? have the anti nuke movement given up? ...seems so..
There seems to be pockets of places in NJ and NY that are not getting help and they are really desperate. Others are sort of recovered and either have power or at least have supplies.
At least around NYC there have been some volunteer crews bringing food and helping pump out basements and charge phones.
The bigger story is that NRC declared no unusual event at Salem NPP. Yet Platts, the power industry paper confirmed with the plant owner that 5 of the 6 intake pumps for water were broken when the pump house was hit by a wave. They still have an alternative means to cool the reactor but the NRC has not even told the public this, the plant owner admitted it to an industry source. Information on exactly what happened at Oyster Creek during the alert is also sketchy. We know back up power worked and that they lost cooling for some time. We don't know if this was a few minutes or what? We don't know if they ever lost the intakes. OC was able to get back to a stable state but we are just supposed to trust the NRC about what when on. Both of these plants were shown to be horribly at risk to the sea. Something stronger with higher water could have had a very bad outcome.
anon at 6:20AM, start your own f**king blog.
See below:
Too bad that water hasn't made its way to Breezy yet. Apparently neither has anything/anyone else from FEMA or the Red Cross. (see story below) Why is it that major media always recommends donating to the Red Cross rather than any of the smaller local grass-roots organizations that with far less funding and resources, immediately went into the disaster zones to take care of people.,0,4972422.story
Who was it that stepped up when the National Guard needed help running their Manhattan armory? While the Red Cross was doing a disappearing act and the Road Whiners, (I mean Runners) Association was holding pissy press conferences and hoarding/hiding their generators, it was Victoria's Secret that came to the rescue. See below:
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