We're in the middle of moving, and we're doing the moving by ourselves. The Internet connection has to be tested at the new place, and I'll have to go offline.
Watch out the news for me for a few hours (I hope).
I'm removing the comment moderation in the meantime, so you can post anything you want in the comment section.
ArmstrongEconomics.com, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
Good luck, take care. I'll check the news vigilantly.
Thanks for the great job of reporting you are doing. Sad that MSM has dropped this completely in the US.
Does anyone know if Gunderson's assertion that the US NRC assumes that containment structures will never leak is true? To me that seems like an awfully big assumption. These regulatory agencies can't be trusted to have made the right judgments on things like that.
Are you moving for business or personal reasons, or is there an atmospheric consideration ?
Robbie001 sez:
@Anon 4:02
It wouldn't surprise me the NRC is nothing if not consistent on the point that all things nuclear are clean, green and under control to the general public. In the NRC's world NPP's don't have accidents they have "incidents" and "events outside of design parameters". The NRC was quick to reassure the world of how robust western style containment was after Chernobyl now Fukushima has put that lie to rest.
"In the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident in 1986, many argued that such a large release of radioactivity could not happen in the United States or other countries with Western-designed reactors because those reactors had containment structures, unlike Chernobyl. However, it is now clear from Fukushima that significant releases of radioactivity can occur following a severe accident even without a catastrophic failure of containment. The Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics has estimated that up to approximately 80 percent of the quantity of the long-lived isotope cesium-137 that was released after the Chernobyl accident was released from the Fukushima site in the first week after the accident. As large as this may sound, it only represents about one-tenth the total amount of cesium-137 in the three damaged reactor cores themselves. Further damage to the fuel, reactor vessel and containment could result in far greater releases. And the Fukushima Daiichi Units 1-3 boiling-water reactors have a type of containment structure, known as Mark I, which analysts have long known to be unusually vulnerable to breach in a severe accident. A 2006 study by Sandia National Laboratories estimated that in the event of a core melt, there was a nearly 36 percent chance that the molten core would melt through the containment wall ("Risk-Informed Assessment of Degraded Containment Vessels," NUREG/CR-6920, November 2006, Table 4.5, p. 76). This mode of containment failure would not be affected by the changes that the NRC ordered for the 23 Mark I containment boiling-water reactors in the United States to reduce the chance of containment failure by a hydrogen explosion. Perhaps even more serious is the risk of further damage to the irradiated fuel in four compromised spent fuel pools, which also contain massive quantities of radioactive material but are not enclosed in leak-tight containment structures."
Live Cam:
Keep your eye on this -- something looks strange today.
Hope that the move goes smoothly!
A Korean news agency is reporting high levels of radiation found in the soil of Tokyo districts of Koto and Chiyoda in late April:
There seems to be no available English confirmation of this though...
Robbie001 sez:
Alexander Higgins is taking up the slack in exemplary fashion. Hopefully arevamirpal::laprimavera move goes smooth but until then here are a couple of other sites trying to shine a light.
Falloutphilippines is still kicking too.
Robbie001 sez:
Ten lessons from Chernobyl and Fukushima:
Thank you for the information. I've been searching very hard for the original Japanese news article (Asahi Newspaper May 15) on the net , but cannot find one. I suspect the link has been erased for some reason. I've found, though, a photo of one part of the actual paper article that shows a table:
The middle column of this table with figures shows the level of radioactive cesium detected (unit: becquerrel/kg). The upper four rows are from the areas in Tokyo, the 5th row is from Saitama (north of Tokyo), 6th through 8th are from Chiba (east of Tokyo), 9th is from Ibaraki. (south of Fukushima), and the bottom row is from Fukushima.
I thought that Tokyo's soil level is at least lower than Chiba, but I'm surprised to find it's actually much higher than even Ibaraki.
The link below is for arevamirpal::laprimavera, which goes to a blog post with the (complete?) citation from the Asahi article (in Japanese), though the blogger doesn't post a link to the original article. I don't subscribe to newspapers, so I can't confirm whether this is the complete citation.
Surprisingly, it says that the Tokyo government hasn't done any soil inspection since the accident. This research reported on the Asahi news was done independently by a professer of a University in the western area of Japan.
Hope your move has gone smoothly.
Here's a copy of the article, in Japanese:
Great! Thank you so much!
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