From the blog of Professor Bin Mori of Tokyo University Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences:
Autoradiograph of Equisetum arvense (Horsetail; young shoots are edible), picked on May 3, left; autoradiograph of dandelion leaves, right:
Professor Mori says the pictures show that radioactive materials have been absorbed from the roots and distributed throughout the plants. He thinks the dark dots on the dandelion leaves are the radioactive materials landed on the leaves.
Professor doesn't recommend tempura made out of these spring delicacies.
-, 2/9/2014より:
多くの人々が同じ質問を発している- なぜ今、戦争の話がでるのか?
11 years ago
these are not showing up in my browser; getting an error message; first time for something to happen like this on your blog
By the way, excellent blog that I have forwarded to dozens of concerned friends and associates; invaluable insight and translations -- thanks a million.
That's odd... looks OK on my PC, but GOOGLE's been screwing things up these days, so who knows. Sorry about that. And thanks for spreading the news!
Looks like it's been removed???
Bad google translation of the blog:
Running most recent version of Firefox and I'm based in Japan; wonder if there is a block?
the blog is there but the images are gone
This is mind-boggling. I see the blog, I see the images.. Anyone else with same problem?
I cannot view the images on the original blog for the professor either; same error message; perhaps it is direct censorship by the Japanese authorities?
I kind of vaguely remember having viewing images when I upgraded the Firefox browser... I can't remember how I fixed it though.
Robbie001 sez:
I'm having the same problem with Firefox and iExploer in the USA. I think the problem stems from the Dr's. blog provider "FC2". When I try to load the image directly in a different page I get a 404 error with a "FC2 Blog" header.
Perhaps someone fluent in Japanese can let Dr. Mori know his blog images are causing a 404 error.
This page still has the original images...
OK, I copied the images and uploaded from my PC. Now can you see them?
I see them -- Mac / Safari in the US.
Great blog, thank you.
I see images as of five min. before this post.
I wanted to see the section of Rediactive Fallout Forcast (Norway) and I got 404 Error.
Robbie001 sez:
Thanks Anon 9:02pm
That link does work for me. I wonder how spotted the other plants in the ares will become. Vegetation will absolutely bio-accumulate radiation from the local soil and water as will the creatures that eat them. When these plants die their remains release their radioactive cargo back into the environment for further transport and accumulation. Just think about the contamination in the ocean sediments it hasn't even started it's path through that food chain yet.
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