Friday, May 25, 2012

Formaldehyde Update (2): Hexamethylenetetramine Leak from Industrial Waste Processing Co. in Takasaki City, Gunma

The company got the job of disposing the waste that contained hexamethylenetetramine from DOWA Hightech, a major chemical company located in Saitama Prefecture. The industrial waste processing company claims DOWA didn't tell them that there was hexamethylenetetramine in the waste. DOWA says yes they did.

From Tokyo Shinbun (part; 5/25/2012):


Concerning the detection of formaldehyde in drinking water the water purification plants in the Tokyo Metropolitan areas along the Tone River and its tributaries, Saitama Prefecture has identified the industrial waste processing facilities in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture as the likely culprit that leaked hexamethylenetetramine into the Karasugawa River, a tributary of the Tone River.


According to Saitama Prefecture, the company DOWA Hightech in Honjo City in Saitama contracted two industrial waste processing companies along the Karasugawa River in Takasaki City to process waste liquid that contained hexamethylenetetramine on May 10. One of the companies processed about 60 tonnes of waste liquid by May 18, but the company's facility was not able to adequately break up hexamethylenetetramine, and it was discharged into the river.


Saitama Prefecture did the on-site inspection of this company on May 19. The company's explanation was that DOWA Hightech didn't tell them the waste liquid contained hexamethylenetetramine.


DOWA Hightech told this newspaper, "We showed them the analysis of the waste liquid. If the company had done the proper processing, hexamethylenetetramine would have been removed. There has been no problem when we contracted other companies. We don't think we've done anything wrong, and we will cooperate with the investigation by the prefecture."


The other waste processing company told Takasaki City that they had subcontracted an industrial waste processing company outside Gunma Prefecture.

Well, Japan cannot even manage chemical substances, let alone nuclear materials. And the prefectural governments withheld the information of their investigation for six days. Life as usual in Japan, nuclear accident or not.


Anonymous said...

Blame game as usual. Bet the same things happen everywhere. Irresponsible and untrustworthy.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese certainly know how to fuck the environment up, very reckless people.. and to make things worse they always go into cover up mode in situations like this..

Anonymous said...


Hexamine hydrolyzes in acid media and slowly releases formaldehyde. It has a very low
toxicity and diluted solutions can be broken down biologically

Hexamine (another name for hexamethylenetetramine) is also used as solid fuel in camping stoves, usually known as Esbit tablets. It isn't very toxic and this time there probably are negligible health effects. However, a lot of people had their water cut off as a precaution and next time the leak could be of something really nasty.

jack said...

The company got the job of disposing the waste that contained hexamethylenetetramine from DOWA Hightech
search engine submission

Sam said...

I recently watched a documentary ''A river of Waste''on The film looks at the potential hazards caused by factory farms. Interesting!

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