and you can't change underwear...
If you are willing, apply at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant! Accepting all applicants of all ages, probably no experience necessary, if the temp worker ad I posted the other day is any indication.
From ZakZak (Sankei Shinbun affiliate; in Japanese; 3/29/2011):
In the wake of Tokyo Electric Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant accident, we have learned that TEPCO's "affiliated" companies [i.e. subcontractors of subcontractors of subcontractors... up to 8th degrees or so] are luring the workers with high pay to work at the plant. One such worker was offered 400,000 yen (US$4855) per day. However, what will be waiting for the workers at the plant is the fear of radiation exposure, and harsh work environment where they get only two meals per day and have to sleep with others on the floor.
According to Tokyo Shinbun on March 29, a 27-year-old man was offered 400,000 yen per day to work at the plant from a nuclear power plant maintenance company. He declined, but he said workers over 50 years old are attracted by high pay, and are going to the plant.
Because of the high radiation level within the plant compound, the workers have to be "frequently rotated" (according to TEPCO people). But only a week's work, and they would receive 2,800,000 yen (about US$34,000). You wouldn't get that kind of money easily in a recession.
No matter how good the pay is, the work condition is horrible. Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA)'s representative at the plant, Kazuma Yokota (age 39), held a press conference the other day and described the condition. [He's the one who temporarily left the plant after the accident.]
All workers sleep in a building right off the Reactor No.1. They get up at 6AM, have a breakfast of emergency biscuit and one pack (180ml) of vegetable juice. There's no lunch. At 5PM they call it a day, and eat emergency rice and a can of chicken or fish for dinner. As only a small bus is used to transport food because of the radiation at the plant, the food supply is limited.
They sleep on the floor in the conference rooms and corridors. They spread the sheets that contains lead to prevent radiation, and wrap themselves in a blanket.
Commenting on the abysmal meals and other work conditions, the Agency's Yokota said "We would like to help, but it is basically a problem that TEPCO has to address [and not us]." What is the government for, if it is not willing to support these brave workers?
Well, the government is of the government, by the government, for the government. Self preservation.
(Original Japanese in case this article also disappears mysteriously):
東京電力福島第1原発の事故で、復旧に携わる東電の協力会社は高い賃金を“エサ”に作業員をかき集めているという。なかには「日当40万円」を提示され た男性も。ただ、高給につられて現地へ赴いても、待っているのは被曝の恐怖と、1日2食で雑魚寝しか許されない過酷な労働環境だ。
全作業員は免震重要棟と呼ばれる建物で寝泊まりする。朝6時に起床し、朝食は非常用クラッカーと、野菜ジュース1パック(180ミリリットル)。昼食は抜 きで、各持ち場の作業に打ち込む。午後5時に作業が終わり、夕食は「マジックライス」と呼ばれる非常用乾燥米と、鶏肉や魚の缶詰1缶。放射線量の関係で、 物資の運搬に小型のバスしか使えないため、補給が限られているのだという。
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